14/15 Luglio 2023
Università “Magna Graecia”, Catanzaro
The Fourth Meeting of the “Southern Italy Network on Severe Asthma Therapy” will take place in Catanzaro on 14 and 15 July 2023. Similar to the previous editions, it should not be considered a typical congress, but rather an update meeting involving all the centers included in the network. The main topic will be severe asthma therapy, with special regard to biological treatments.
The work of all centres provides several scientific activities focusing on the treatment of severe asthma, and especially based on the collaboration of many young physicians who express at best their skills within the context of this network.
The recent advances about the knowledge of the pathobiologic mechanisms underlying severe asthma have made it possible to develop many targeted monoclonal antibodies, able to remarkably improve the control of symptoms, lung function and quality of life, as well as to decrease the number and severity of disease exacerbations, the intake of oral corticosteroids and the overall mortality rate. Therefore, these very relevant therapeutic effects often allow to achieve the important goal of clinical remission.
The new biological drugs are also significantly contributing to implement a precision therapeutic strategy, based on the modern concept of personalized medicine targeting specific molecular components of the pathophysiogic cascade underpinning severe asthma.
In particular, our meeting will be attended by Italian and foreign leading experts on severe asthma, whose participation will be aimed to deepen our understanding of this thematic issue, as well as to stimulate new studies and share research proposals, within the context of a multidisciplinary management of severe asthmatic patients treated with biological therapies.
Informazioni generali
Honorary President
Prof. Serafino Antonio Marsico
Prof. Nunzio Crimi and Prof. Girolamo Pelaia
Scientific Coordinators
Dott.ssa Alida Benfante (Palermo)
Prof.ssa Maria F. Caiaffa (Foggia)
Prof.ssa Cecilia Calabrese (Napoli)
Prof.ssa Elisiana Carpagnano (Bari)
Prof.ssa Claudia Crimi (Catania)
Dott.ssa Maria D’Amato (Napoli)
Prof.ssa Maria Pia Foschino (Foggia)
Dott. Corrado Pelaia (Catanzaro)
Dott.ssa Giulia Scioscia (Foggia)
Educazione Continua in Medicina
L’evento è inserito nel programma di Educazione Continua in Medicina del Ministero della Salute per n. 100 Medici Chirurghi (tutte le Specialistiche).
All’evento sono stati assegnati n. 13 crediti formativi.
Sede del Corso
Aula Magna A
University of Studies “Magna Græcia”
University Campus “Salvatore Venuta”
Viale Europa, 88100 Catanzaro